Bison Association Presents the White Bison Sanctuary
As a woman of first nations blood, a grandmother on the Turtle Island
Grandmothers Council, and being called by spirit as a voice for this bison
herd, I feel that the White Bison shed in the Pendleton blankets is a beauty
FULL way for the Bison to support themselves. Just like a sheep herd, the hair
shed is weaved into blankets that keep people warm as well as supporting this
growing herd’s financial stability. In an agreement between our brother and
sister Bison nation and the two legged nation, they continue to share
themselves with the two legged nation with their shed to keep the people warm.
All life is sacred to the Great Spirit, honoring one another us our
responsibility for the continuation of all beings right to surthrive and exist
on our Earth Mother. It is important to remember that these bison cannot roam
the Earth like they once could before times changed and the only way to ensure
their sustainability is through raising money that directly goes to care for the
herd. In Gratitude, Grandmother Redhawk Quoting a Biologist her own words; As a
biologist I just wanted to say that genetically it is impossible to create a
recessive dominant without 2 recessive homozygous parents. It would take a lot
of lab tinkering to do this as well as access to the ones that have been born in
nature. Believe me when I tell ya darlin - it’s a heck of a lot easier to let
nature create it!!
Updated pictures of the white
Bison taken in March, 2011
On behalf of
the SWPA we thank all of you for your time, donations, and prayers.
But most of
all, thank you for your love for these Bison.
Cynthia Hart
Our wish list for the White Bison Sanctuary September
If you want to donate or can help us to purchase any of the items below
please contact Cynthia directly at: mystichart@msn.com or call 541-323-1885.
1. We would like to have our own land for the buffalo,instead of renting. The
land would be put in the SWPA so the next, and next caretaker can keep the white
buffalo alive..We need to be safer, do to the killing of the white buffalo in
Texas. We can take all of our fencing and handleing gear with us . 40 plus area
with and barn and house , would be good.
2. We need a small John Deere tractor, used or new.
3. we need more pantals & two gate for the buffalos.
Peace and Blessings to you,
Cynthia Hart-Button
New address:1900 NE 3rd Street,
Suite 106-134 Bend OR 97701