Good news... Special Raffle for a White Buffalo Blanket!

Have you wanted a Sacred White Buffalo Pendleton blanket with white buffalo hair shed in it? Or to help support the herd? This is how the herd sustains itself with the sales of calendars, blankets and donations. The herd is of the people but belong to themselves and Creator.

On behalf of the White Buffalo herd. I, Thana Walker, have put together a raffle to support their needs. I have a $4000 special edition #11 "Joyful Spirit" blanket that will be raffled. Tickets are $10 per ticket. Purchase tickets by clicking on the Raffle link below. This is a great way to help this herd sustain themselves and you can be a part of it! In appreciation we thank you!   The raffle drawing will when be held when all 400 tickets have sold. We will send out an email confirming that a winner has been selected once that has taken place. In  appreciation  we thank you !


PLEASE SHARE!   Buy Tickets:  Raffle

We have had three new buffalo born this year.  Click HERE to see a picture of them.


Members and friends of the buffalo
The Sacred World Peace Alliance proudly announces the birth of our newest white buffalo calf Sweet Spirit, born at 2:22 p.m. on Sunday, April 7th. Her Mother is Miracle Moon, the matriarch of the White Buffalo herd of Central Oregon. 

To celebrate the birth of our newest calf, we are offering a special offer on our Hiawatha, White Medicine blankets for $375, including shipping in the Continental United States.



The Sacred World Peace Alliance is proud to announce our newest and youngest Ambassador, Rafaela! Rafaela is an eleven year old girl living in Miami. For her Bat Mitzvah community service project she told her mother that she wanted to do a project that would benefit animals. Her mom asked friends about worthy projects but there wasn’t anything that really caught her attention until our own Ambassador, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, suggested the White Buffalo. Rafaela has set up her own Rafi’s Bat Mitzvah Project website to raise funds to buy a $4,000 Chief Hiawatha Big Medicine Blanket at: The site features pictures of Rafi and of the White Buffalo with a striking rainbow theme. There is also a place where donors can comment on Rafi’s cause. Funds are collected through Pay Pal and go directly to the Sacred World Peace Alliance to care for a buffalo for the year of 2013. A counter has been set up within Pay Pal to help Rafaela know how close she is to reaching her goal. Each time a Pay Pal donation is made, the amount is registered on a counting device. In order to offset the Pay Pal charges, Rafi will need to raise $4,500. Please help this wonderful young lady to reach her goal. The SWPA is so proud and appreciative of Rafaela’s ground-breaking effort. As Mahatma Ghandi once said “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Donate to The Sacred World Peace Alliance. This is a tax deductible donation. Sacred World Peace Alliance 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization

An interview with Cynthia Hart Button
is featured in the upcoming documentary film:
WHITE BUFFALO: An American Prophecy
produced by Richard and Ethan Marten.
The film is
scheduled for release in mid-2013.
For more info see:

Help support the White Buffalo!  Contribute to our new fundraising poetry & art book: 

An American Legend: White Lions, White Bison and Spirit Bears

Submit your entry to the competition by February 1, 2022 to:
First place winners for art and poetry will receive Big Medicine Chief Hiawatha Pendleton Blankets
See the entry guidelines at:   Contest


The Alliance is made up of three divisions, the Alliance, the Church and the White Bison Association.

Our overall goals at this time are to sustain the White Bison Sanctuary and herd of fourteen white bison, and three brown bison, presently located in Bend, Oregon; to create products which support and enhance the soil and the environment; and to produce music and arts products including events that support and sustain the Planet. The White Bison Association is using the shed of the white bison herd to make blankets. The sale of White Bison blankets, calendars and private label peanuts, along with generous donations from individuals, are the means by which we are able to support and sustain the herd.

Our wish list for the White Bison Sanctuary 2013

If you want to donate or can help us to purchase any of the items below
please contact Cynthia directly at: or call 541-323-1885.

1. We would like to have our own land for the buffalo instead of renting. The land would be put in the SWPA so the next caretaker can keep the white buffalo alive.  We need to be safer, due to the killing of the white buffalo in Texas. We can take all of our fencing and handling gear with us . We ideally need 40 acres of land including land that can be irrigated as pasture, plus an area with and house and barn. 

2. We need a small John Deere tractor, used or new.
3. Hays to come in

4. Two wagons for tours to ride in

5. Shed machine cleaner for the hair

6. 2 more water tanks

7. one gas tank

8. new solar fence changer

SWPA thanks the ambassadors, sponsors, our families and friends, our members and staff for all your support on our two-year journey to get these blankets made. We thank Pendleton and Peace Partners, and the 11 White Bison for making it happen. We thank Creator for this experience of life. May we always walk with love, and service in supporting these amazing white bison. Thank you, Spirit for this journey. Blessings and thank you all, Cynthia President of SWPA




Peace and Blessings to you,
Cynthia Hart-Button


Send us your prayers and support, we’d love to hear from you.

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Sacred World Peace Church & Alliance  501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization

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