Sacred World Peace Alliance Board of Directors, Ambassadors and Trustees

TRUSTEES:   Left to Right:  Kari, Cynthia, Marian

 President / Founder/ Director White Bison Association
Administrator, Trustee

I am the founder and president of Scared World Peace Church & Alliance. My mission is to help bring peace to this earth through communication and hands on experience. The Alliance was formed in order to support all types of green projects, and new forms of energy and communications. We are providing opportunities for young people who want to learn and to be involved in green projects of all types. We are also providing sanctuary for the White Buffalo, and providing educational programs regarding wild life, and raising funds to help replenish Earth’s endangered species. www.cynthiahart.com



Marian Elton- Vice President/ Executive Director



Marian Elton Seiter brings to SWPA an extensive management background in public, private and state organizations. Ms. Seiter currently serves as Manager of AltaOne Federal Credit Union in the Eastern Sierra in Lone Pine, California. She also lives her passion with art as a mural artist working with The Lone Pine Community Association and Lone Pine Film History Museum.

Formerly the General Manager, Morton’s Warm Springs Resort in Glen Ellen, California, Marian managed over 70,000 visitors a year including YMCA, schools outdoor education classes, families and community groups at the warm spring mineral pools adjoining Sonoma Creek. In addition to the General Management position, Marian managed the private water district for the resort serving local residents. While there, she fostered a volunteer creek restoration program in cooperation with state and county agencies to bring back health to the creek and a recycling program to benefit local school programs. Marian welcomed the 13 Healing Moons of the Great Turtle Mystery School in their sacred ceremonies and teachings held each full moon. A volunteer Docent of the Bouverie Preserve, a 500 acre natural botanical habitat environmental science study area, she facilitated hikes with elementary school children teaching nature walks, healthy creek living, flora, fauna, and local native tribal history.

Kari Noren-Hoshal: Director/ Secretary


Kari Noren-Hoshal is a counseling astrologer and a teacher of Italian and Spanish. Growing up in Latin and America and Egypt between the ages of 7 and 18, she became very interested in the sacred practices of indigenous cultures. Kari maintains a counseling and teaching astrology practice in Baltimore, Maryland with the assistance of her husband, Richard Hoshal. She is the VP for programming for the Baltimore Astrological Society and a frequent lecturer in the Mid-Atlantic states. In addition to her teaching and counseling experience, Kari brings over 30 years of journalistic writing and promotional experience to her work with the alliance. Native American beliefs have been an interest of Kari’s since her teenage years.
Melanie Sweet:  Ambassador/Financial Advisor  

John Danner- Director/ Ambassador of White Buffalo: Native American Communications

Mr. Danner was instrumental in creating and organizing the “President’s Summit on America’s Future”. This event included all living presidents along with their spouses, General Colin Powell, Fortune 1,000 Corporations, over 12,000 national non-profit organizations, 100 American Mayors, and 27 Governors.

Mr. Danner is producing the Washington DC World Command and Communications Center for the Green Motion World-Wide Trek following the Olympics from 8.8.8 (August 8th, 2008) through September 10th, 2010
John Danner has 40 years of experience in public-private partnerships in business, government, non-profits and Native American economic development. He is the Chairman of Native American Communications and Director for The International Association of Merchant Banks Investment Companies, IAMBIC Ltd. He sits on several boards and advises Reach the Children, Sharing Hands International, and IBT, among other charitable organizations. He has personally worked with United States Presidents including Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Marilyn Gard - Ambassador / Web Director/ Office of Arizona

Marilyn Gard has been an ambassador with the White Buffalo since their arrival in Flagstaff, AZ.  Marilyn is president of three companies, Clinic Pro Software, LifeSaver App and Care Notes Online
Marilyn just released an innovative product that could save thousands of lives.   Called LifeSaver App, this online medical record is immediately accessible to emergency responders and physicians in the time of a medical emergency or an ongoing treatment of a medical condition. This innovative technology uses a smart phone to deliver a comprehensive medical report.

Charles Button -Coordinator/ Public Relation /Director of Music Studio, and musician/ Ranch Foreman

His last THREE CD's, "In the Spirit" and "Awakening" by GREAT MYSTERY, AND "First Flight" by BLACKRAVEN, were ALL nominated for a Native American Music Award. In October 2008 Charles won a NAMMY (NATIVE AMERICAN MUSIC AWARD) in the categorize: “BEST PRODUCER

Charles Button is a musician and recording artist. ... Charles Button is a recording artist, composer, and a producer/engineer. Charles Button is a recording artist, composer, and a producer/engineer. He has a long history in the music industry, known for his silky voice and original style. He has produced several successful artists and has recorded his own solo album in England.
He is also an actor in the film "Oh God, You Devil" with George Burns. He appeared in" Shannon's Deal" with Iggy Pop and Doobie Brother Skunk Baxter. He has also appeared on Dynasty, Mike Hammer, and T.J. Hooker.
Charles has had his original music featured in films and on television. Charles Button is a performer known for his musical integrity. He is a proficient producer/arranger, singer, songwriter, and film composer.
His credits include work performed for Fries Films, Disney Cable, MTV, CBS, NBC, Fox TV, Playboy, the American Dairy Council, Sears, Mitsubishi, and a number of independent films.


Ash Seiter- Events Director/Ambassador

Ash is a graphic artist, music manager, and independent film director from Los Angeles, California. He is currently working with several musical acts in California and Washington State, as well as developing a music website. Ash brings his graphic design skills to SWPA, creative ideas, event planning skills, and also volunteers his time on the sanctuary working with the bison.

Ash has worked on several independent film projects, music videos and commercials. He has directed and produced one feature length music documentary. He currently manages Kevin Never Talks, an LA based Funk/Rock band, The Decoys, a Bay Area Reggae band, Shanique Noble, a solo blues singer in Los Angeles, and does California booking for The Dusty 45's, a Seattle, WA rockabilly band

Larry Jensen

Glenda Green

Dr. Larry Jensen & Glena Green Ambassador/Bishops of Spiritis Church

From 1971, Dr. Jensen has been an acknowledged pioneering leader in the human potential movement. In 1981, Dr. Jensen experienced a profound Kundalini awakening. His work exploded into a new dimension wherein his abilities to facilitate growth and transformation were dramatically magnified. Dr. Jensen serves as Archbishop of Spiritis Church. With his wife and spiritual partner, Bishop Glenda Green, they continue their work of promoting spiritual evolution. Glenda Green is the author of the bestselling book "Love Without End."

Experience this life force energy as it reveals to you the secrets of your heart. Receive all the blessings that the Great Source of all life has for you. Witness the birth of a new consciousness where heaven and earth become one.



Co-founder of the Center of Enlightenment with Rain on the Earth Ambassador to Almine the Seer and most renowned Mystic of our time
Clan Mother of the Bear Clan of the Medicine Creek Metis Assistant to Rain on the Earth as Liaison of Belvaspata to the indigenous peoples
Co-author of the Earth’s Healers the Shamanism of Oneness
Ascended Master

Annique has over 25 years experience in alternative medicine earning her the name “Medicine Woman”. An Original Goddess she is a wayshower for humanity.
Annique can be heard weekly Hosting on these radio programs:
The Fountain of Spiritual Healing airs live on Sundays at 10am PST
Mystery Mastery Magic airs live on Mondays and Thursday s at 8pm PST
Abriendo las Puertas del cielo (Spanish)airs live on Saturdays at 5pm PST
www.contacttalkradio.com/alminesp www.blogtalkradio.com/alminefr

Rain on the Earth

Rain on the Earth Ambassador / Event supporter
Co-founder of the Center of Enlightenment with Annique The Center offers practicums-practical application spiritual teachings including The Pathway to Ascension, transformation, transmutation and transfiguration and Alchemy of the Angels. The space is available for kindred spirits to hold events
Ambassador to Almine (http://www.ancientshamanism.com) the Seer and most cutting edge Mystic of our time
Co founder of the Sisterhood for Planetary Water Rites (http://waterblessings.org)
Clan Mother of the Bear Clan of the Medicine Creek Metis

Liaison to Indigenous Peoples for Belvaspata (http://alminehealing.com), Healing of the Heart gifted by the Infinite Mother to humanity to compensate for changes in cosmic laws. (http://belvaspata.spiritualjourneys.com)
Co-author of the Earth's Healers the Shamanism of Oneness which includes the restoration of feminine shamanism and the advent of high shamanism.
Author of “The Ancient Wisdom of the 12 Days of Christmas: The Hidden Teachings Behind the Song”
Priestess of the Sun in Mother's Garden, in the Indigo and Turquoise Rays.

Rain can be heard weekly Co-hosting on these radio programs:
The Fountain of Spiritual Healing airs live on Sundays at 10am PST
Mystery Mastery Magic airs live on Mondays and Thursday s at 8pm PST
www.blogtalkradio.com/mysterymasterymagi centerofenlightenment.org rainontheearth@yahoo.com

Than Walker Red Hawk -
Director of Newsletter / Assistant to the web site/ Events


Grandmother Thana "Redhawk" has been an ambassador with the White Buffalo since 2006.Grandmother Redhawk helps support the White Buffalo with fundraising events and educating about the White Buffalo who have stood upon our Earth Mother since the early 1700's.Grandmother Redhawk also works with the Grandmother's Circle the Earth Foundation as the youngest Grandmother. Her work with them includes communicating common goals and concerns, as well as helping creating gatherings with all indigenous peoples of the Earth for the unity of voices. Grandmother Redhawk also helps support the Grandmother Circle's as a historian keeper. Grandmother Redhawk has also worked with the Elder's Council of Earthdance since 2005, a global event that brings together all people of the Earth in unity of prayer.

Maurice Fernandez

Maurice Fernandez   Ambassador


Astrologer, Kundalini Yoga teacher · Pahoa, Hawaii


Linda Tucker

Caretaker of the White Lions : Ambassador / Alliance with the White Lions

Willy White Feather - Coordinator / Ambassador : Survival Work shop

Willy is of Cherokee ancestry, honorary chief of the Black Creek Cherokee of Florida, a fascinating storyteller, healer, survivalist and an individual of wisdom and heart. Willy White feather’s Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids - Willy White feather - Book. The author advises young people on how to survive being lost or stranded in the woods.. River Book for Kids - Books.. Willy White feather was the visionary who inspired the award-winning animated short film "HOPE"

Read more: http://www.thegic.org/video/vision-seed-willy-whitefeather#ixzz1Rtbf16Gb and more.

Harriet (Redhawk) McMahon, Ph.D.

Director of Shamanic Journey and Tour/ Ambassador

Director of Shamanic Journey and Tour/ Ambassador
Harriet (Redhawk) McMahon, Ph.D. is a Shamanic teacher and healer who has been practicing energy medicine for over 25 years. She has studied the energy medicine of a variety of shamanic cultures and has been initiated by some of the most respected spiritual teachers in Peru to practice the healing arts of the Andes. She is an ordained minister, Reiki Master and Hypnotherapist and facilitates expeditions to sacred sites including Peru and South Africa. "It is my mission to facilitate sacred journeys as well as sharing the knowlege and traditions of the amazing beings that I learn from so that people can return to living from the sacred place of their heart - the place of creation, love and beauty."

Beth Kelton, Director of Children & Youth Programs & Grant Project Development

My educational accomplishments include:
** Post-Masters work in Art-Therapy, (Antioch University, Seattle)
** Masters degree in Interactive Education, (City University, Seattle)
** WA Licensed Mental Health Counselor
** Teaching Certificates (TX, OR, & WA) Early Childhood & Special Education,

** Bachelor degree in Special Education (Texas A & M, Commerce, TX)
** AMS (American Montessori Society) Montessori Education (Dallas, TX)

It is an honor to embrace the Sacred World Peace Church and Alliance! With respect to all, the calling here is to provide sanctuary for the White Buffalo and to offer educational programs connecting wildlife and nature with people in that sacred way that indigenous cultures and our ancestors consider as "one"!  Born & raised in Texas, grew up outdoors fishing, hunting and raising stock; singing, writing, and playing music; immersed in "cowboy" culture, tribal ways, Cajun sass, and "la frontera" (borderlands between Texas & Mexico) where cultures merge, clash and change.

Agnes Pilgrim - Ambassador / Supporter to the White Buffalo

Grandma Aggie is the descendant of tribal leaders, both political and spiritual, so she works hard to keep tradition alive and to renew it, as with the Sacred Salmon Ceremony that she has brought back to her homeland in the Rogue River Valley of southwest Oregon after 140 years.
Honored as a “Living Treasure” by her tribe, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz, and as a “Living Cultural Legend” by the Oregon Council of the Arts, Grandma Aggie is an exceptionally clear and strong speaker whose no-nonsense eloquence has touched people of many different cultures in the US and around the world. An Ambassador for our Mother Earth, she is a voice for the voiceless, seeking to prevent spiritual blindness by helping us to remember the ways of living that we all share as people of the Earth.

Grandmother Whitedeer - Ambassador / Supporter to the White Buffalo

Tonya Whitedeer Cargill is a Clan Mother of the Bear Clan of Medicine Creek Metis in Laytonville, CA. She holds women’s circles and Grandmother Net of Light Ceremonies. She is one of the Ambassadors’ for the Sacred White Buffalo Family in Northern Oregon. She is currently working on a novel that is coming to her through Spirit. Tonya works with endangered species Medicines of the Green Nation and maintains a Medicine Walk open to the public to educate all those that come to her land named through Spirit as Medicine Creek.

Arwyn DreamWalker

 Our website is: http://www.morningstar-lodge.net/; Arwyn DreamWalker is a teacher and healer of the Medicine Traditions of Turtle Island (North and South America). She has travelled to Britain and Europe for over 20 years bringing an impeccable standard of ceremony and teachings, and a vision of life that holds at its heart a deep devotion to the sacred.

Heyoka Merrifield       Ambassador& supporter

By including a waking-up ceremony as part of his work on an art piece, and by developing a personal relationship with certain archetypal powers, Heyoka's art pieces took on a new life and meaning. Some of the many notable collectors that have been attracted to this power in his work include Cher, Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson, George Harrison, and Joni Mitchell. His works also appeared in MGM, Orion, and Paramount films.

After graduating with a degree in sculpture, Heyoka left his native California to move to a remote Northwest Indian reservation. For over twenty years, he lived in this wilderness while exploring his Native American heritage. Living close to the natural rhythms of nature, Heyoka began to observe the world from a different perspective: he discovered the way his ancient ancestors touched the Earth and that, unlike his contemporary art training in college, many of these ancestors created art that captured the radiance of the transcendent powers within their mythology.

In discovering sacred art and Native American ceremonies, an entire world opened for Heyoka. He felt a new passion for his work and, in order to pass on this gift, he began teaching apprentices in the almost forgotten way of mentoring. He realized that our culture had lost an important part of a young person's journey when mentoring was replaced by our current school system. This discovery led him to write his book Sacred Art, Sacred Earth so he could relate his own personal journey from contemporary art student into the ancient tradition of the sacred artist.

Paul Hait - Ambassador/Advisor with Peace Partner in the Perdition Blanket

Stanford Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Degree, Class of 1962.
Olympic Gold Medal Winner and World Record holder in Rome, Italy in 1960
Founder of and participant in 10 Corporations.( Varian Associates,Inc( Employee),Mikros,Div of Varian( Employee), J. W. Cross Medical and Dental Co.( Founder ),Aroma Taste Inc.( Pemmican Brand Founder ) ,GoodMark Foods, Div. of General Mills, Inc.( Acquisition/employee), SlatCraft Corp.( Founder),American Creative Products,Inc.( Founder),American Innovation,Inc.( Founder),Pyromid Outdoor Cooking Systems(Founder),Paul Hait Management,LLC,( Founder ), ,US Organic Marketing,LLC( Founder),US Rare Earth Minerals,Inc. (Founder ),and American Innovation Distributing,LLC ( Founder) .
Holder of over 50 Patents in High Technology and Consumer Products
Founder of 3 foundations ( Indian Buffalo Raising,Cancer Healing,Technology Transfer)
Co-creator of the Pendleton Hiawatha Big Medicine White Buffalo Blanket
Married to Elizabeth for 50 years
3 Children and 3 Grand Children

Pat Elton - Volunteer and Event Coordinator

Former Sonoma County Co-Chair Crime Victims For Court Reform successfully removing three California Supreme Court justices. Former volunteer with Citizens for Law and Order Former Board of Directors member of Santa Rosa Children’s Chorus coordinated home stays and safe plans for travelling abroad with 100 choral children.

Sacred World Peace Alliance, Bend Oregon, home of the White Buffalo, and volunteer with COMMONTABLE. Founding Executive Director Dragon Family Foundation For the Recording Arts & Sciences, Williams, Oregon, coordinating with Southern Oregon University to develop an online recording engineering school. Founding Chairman of Californians For Tougher Child Molestation Laws, sponsored and drafted original legislation of the 1994 Child Protection Act of California, front-runner to Meghan’s Law.

Ambassadors / Supporter to the White Bison

Rabbi Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D.(H), D.D., founder and director of The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, is a leading author and world renowned spiritual teacher and expert in raw, living foods nutrition.
He Blesses You with Peace, Love & Joy
Chris Scroggins Photography

A portion of the proceeds of each sale will be donated to Sacred World Peace Alliance

I am an American wildlife and landscape photographer based in Maryland. My mission is to promote appreciation, respect and awareness of nature including the lives of wild and domestic animals, national, state and local parks and public gardens. Prices start at $40 for full color 8 x 12 photo prints. Browse beautiful photo galleries of animals, wildlife, travel and the outdoors by clicking on the above link - Color Nature Prints. NOTE: All prints are made in the USA on your choice of luster or glossy finish Kodak Professional Endura papers. Your print will be free of any watermark or signature.

Frank Utter

Ambassador/ Volunteer / Healer Bend OR

George Aguilar, Josiane Balasko - Ambassador


Derreld Hallenbeck  SD
Barry Erickson , Alliance with us called " Children's Spirit Ranch,"CA
Jeanie Sevon  Sedona ,AZ
Song Dog Kennels  
Tim Sampsom - Actor/Artist
Dan Rohrer  with Roher Ranch  in Powell Butte, Oregon

Dragon Family Fountains , Denise Dragon , Williams Oregon
Russell Box / Southern Ute / Ignacio.CO 
Christopher  Wenzel Healer
Franklin Courson and Walter Adams N.C
Redmond Veterinary Clinic
1785 N. Hwy 97 Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-1048 Fax (541)548-2323

Outside of enjoying her work time at the clinic, Cassee stays busy with her family, furry critters, and numerous activities including hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping. She continues to stay active through playing basketball and she recently began running 5k's with hopes of increasing her distance.

Cassee Terry, DVM

Cassee was born and raised in Central Oregon. Befitting of a country girl, her first job was changing irrigation pipe. After graduating from Redmond High School, she attended Western Baptist College where she played both volleyball and basketball. She then went on to Oregon State University's College of Veterinary Medicine in Corvallis, Oregon. After graduating, Cassee spent her final summer in Alaska as a King Salmon fishing guide and the fall elk hunting in Oregon before returning to Redmond where she joined RVC in 2005 to practice small and large animal medicine.

Big Bill and Pat Turner

These Oregonian Cowboys-- father and son --to us are the best of West

Bill and Pat Turner are father and son handlers of our white buffalo herd. The buffalo love them . Pat also works all over Oregon with horses, cattle and buffalo, including stockyard auctions, transporting and handing dangerous bulls and other larger animals. He handles our white buffalo with ease, even though our white bulls can be a handful. Our buffalo respect and trust him. We honor these two generations of Cowboys and glad there part of the SWPA.

Cameron and Beth

Cameron and Beth work with the buffalo as ranch hands and hay feeders.

Jack Sample